The world’s most widely used admission test for graduate professional school.
The GRE General Test helps you do your best on test day. With the GRE General Test,you decide which scores to send to schools. If you feel you didn't do your best on test day, that's okay. You can retake the test and then send only the scores you want schools to see. It's all part of theScoreSelect ®option, only available with GRE tests.
Plus, the GRE General Test is the only admissions test for graduate or business school that lets you skip questions within a section, go back and change answers, and have control to tackle the questions within a section you want to answer first.
The GRE General Test features question types that closely reflect the kind of thinking you'll do in graduate or business school.
Verbal Reasoning— Measures the ability to analyze and draw conclusions from discourse and reason from incomplete data, understand multiple levels of meaning, such as literal, figurative and author’s intent, and summarize text and distinguish major from minor points, understand the meanings of words, sentences and entire texts, and understand relationships among words and among concepts. There is an emphasis on complex verbal reasoning skills.
Quantitative Reasoning— Measures the ability to understand, interpret and analyze quantitative information, solve problems using mathematical models, and apply the basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis. There is an emphasis on quantitative reasoning skills.
Analytical Writing— Measures critical thinking and analytical writing skills, including the ability to articulate and support complex ideas with relevant reasons and examples, and examine claims and accompanying evidence. There is an emphasis on analytical writing skills.
Learn more about the content and structure of the GRE General Test.
Test Day Information:
- Report to the centre at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.
- You must bring an acceptable, valid identification (ID) document that includes your name, photograph, and signature.
- The name on your ID must exactly match the name you used to when you registered for the test. If you do not present an acceptable form of ID, you may not be admitted and your test fee will not be refunded.
ID Requirements:
Testing Outside your country of Citizenship:
You must present a current, valid passport with your name, photograph and signature as your primary ID, unless there is a specific requirement or exception for your location. See www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/register/id for details.
Diplomatic or embassy IDs cannot be used as primary identification in place of passports.
If your passport is not written in English-language letters, you must also present a supplemental ID that contains your name, a recent, recognizable photo and is written in English. If your passport is not written in English and the test center supervisor cannot read it, you may not be permitted to test.
Testing Within your country of Citizenship:
- Passport
- Driver’s license
- State or Province ID card, including those issued by motor vehicle agencies
- National ID Card
- Military ID Card
If your primary ID does not include your signature, you can present a supplemental ID with your photograph and signature, or a supplemental government-issued ID with your photograph, as long as they are in the same name you used when you registered.
Your official GRE® score report contains your:
- Contact information (name, phone number and email)
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Intended graduate major
- Test date(s)
- GRE test score(s) and the associated percentile ranks
- Authorized score recipients or fellowship sponsors and the scores reported to those institutions
- Cumulative record of scores reported within the last five years
- Official score reports sent to the institutions you designate include your:
- Contact information (name, address, phone number, email)
- Intended graduate major
- GRE test score(s) and the associated percentile ranks