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Check out the latest articles from Greenwich English College and Greenwich Management College, as well as awesome tips, education and lifestyle news.
That’s a team for today’s world
A living, breathing, growing thing that responds to its environment and learns over time. That’s a team for today’s world.
Leadership in an age of disruption
Some may say that we are living in challenging times. An era where disruption occurs on a daily basis, be it from politics, changing consumer preferences, the digital onslaught and advanced technology.
Ditch the Device: Why translating is likely doing more harm than good for your vocabulary building
Translating seems useful because it gives you an answer quickly and lets you relate the word to another word in your language. This is fine occasionally, but often this actually makes it harder to build vocabulary.
How Jeff Bezos holds meetings
Among other things, Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world, and he didn’t get there by chance. He is successful because he built a multi-billion online business by doing things differently.
Striving for a Learning Culture in VET
As teachers we continually strive to support the growth of our adult students to understand and acknowledge their skills and attributes. Concepts of keeping them engaged and focusing on what demands Industry are placing on our society are more preval...
Project Management Predictions and Trends with a growing emphasis on Peoples Skills
We often ask ourselves what is project management? How do we relate ongoing change and trends with our students to stimulate and focus on achieving the right skills and objectives in this growing age?
What are Cognates?
Cognates are words in two languages that look and sound the same (or similar) and they usually have the same meaning too!
5 Common English Mistakes
We asked our Greenwich teachers to give us examples of some of the most common mistakes that their students make when speaking or writing. Can you find the mistakes and explain how to correct them?
Why are we losing ‘focus’ and what can we do about it.
Daniel Goleman, famous for his work around Emotional Intelligence, has identified that focus is a scarce resource in the digital age.
LinkedIn series: ask for a Recommendation on LinkedIn
This is our third article about LinkedIn and how you can improve your profile to increase your chances to start your career in Australia. In this article, let’s explore the Recommendation feature.